Blog / commissioning the system

Commissioning the System

by UFH1
1. Check that all flow meters are open. Turn them anti-clockwise a couple of turns from closed2. Switch the programmer for zone 1 so that it is calling for heat, you should see a flame signal.3. There should be no actuators fitted on the manifold, the manifold pump should run and the zone valve should open (if one  is fitted).4. The boiler should fire up at this stage and the system should circulate water. Turn the flow meter on all circuits until the plastic indicator is around 1.5 (if using a boiler) or 1 for heat pump systems. The flow meter scale works down, so allowing more flow (like opening a tap) moves the red indictor down. As each are adjusted, some  you may have already set may alter slightly. We find that it’s best to alter in small increments.5. Turn the zone 1 room stat up to it’s highest temperature.
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